On April 14, 2024, we held another great Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Instructor Summit in St. Louis, MO. I enjoyed being in the presence of almost 900 of our finest instructors from all across the nation.
It was such a Blessing to present an Ignite style presentation discussing how MHFA positively helps our Veterans, service members, and military communities. If you're not familiar, an Ignite style presentation is an innovative and fast-paced style used to deliver a concise presentation. Presenters use 20 image-centric slides which automatically advance every 15 seconds. Each of the presenters are MHFA Instructors, not professional Ignite speakers. Jamie Hagenbuch, Krystle Canare, T-Kea, and Melita really met the challenge of this style of presentation and delivered meaningful discussions of a variety of important topics, life experiences, and how MHFA has impacted them and their communities. We received compassionate, understanding, and insightful coaching from Gerry Sandusky as we all learned this style. Thanks to all for gelling into an amazing Team in literally one day. The support we provided to one another is heartwarming.
I cannot thank my Mental Health First Aid National Trainer and National Council for Mental Wellbeing Family enough for their support for this presentation and as coaches, mentors, and friends over the years. I truly hope we all have even a couple friends that are so passionate about caring for others.